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- Minister throws a cat amongst the pigeons
- LGS continues to lead the way on its sustainable property portfolio
- Gosford apologises for their conga line of incompetents
- The chickens come home to roost at Blayney
- It's now okay to call someone petite at Canterbury but be careful who you call a ****, a ******* or particularly a ******* ****
- John Skene recruits our 1300th member
- But wait, there is a happy note from Taree
- Panel goes gaga trying to separate the hopeless and the nasty judging the 2011 HR awards
- Destination 2036: Government turns a blind eye to local government reform
- BPB Roadshow starts next month
- When is an offensive word not an offensive word?
- Protecting your entitlements Part 2: If it's a condition of employment, it's a condition of employment
- Protecting your entitlements Part 1: We stop Wingecarribee removing a "condition of employment" car from a member
- Like a dog with a bone, he's back
- Increases in compulsory super remind us those Coalition politicians still really hate industry super funds
- A great opportunity for a female (but not boring) EHO
- Tsunami of new blood and nothing boring in 2012 depa election results
- Happy anniversary, Barry
- Fair Work Australia rejects urine testing again and sets other important guidelines
- Random testing finds no evidence of illegal drugs - anti-drug zealots now on medication
- NSW Government targets sick and injured workers
- Rewarding meeting with BPB - despite loitering
- Andrew and Jody nominated to the NSW Food Forum
- IRC directs Hunter Councils to provide information in Alcohol and Other Drugs dispute
- "Appalling" cuts to workers compensation could affect everyone
- LGS wins Property Council Award for the best sustainable development of an existing building
- It's official, urine testing is unacceptable
- DLG risks human rights and ILO Convention breaches with proposed new Code of Conduct
- Government removes workers comp for home to work travel
- Some clarification on members wanting help with issues that predate their membership
- Some early entries in our "Worst HR in Local Government" annual awards
- “'Public nuisance' evicted from meeting” We’ll have more mayors like this bloke, thanks
- New planning system for NSW all about certainty for developers
- Try not to get sacked over the next three weeks
- Hold the phone, how good is the technology the Council supplies you?
- Dilettantes dabble with your future - Could Destination 2036 get any worse?
- Danger danger, warning warning as novices gain control in September elections
- How much investigation is enough?
- Your Superannuation Fund is Triple-A Rated
- Bring in the clowns, the BPB thinks you can approve applications or certify compliance for members of your family!
- Amalgamation hysteria: the sky isn’t falling
- Anyone can be a Mayor, and look what they can do
- December depaNews – Special Edition
- 2013, time to play golf in our Union Picnic Day Golf Day
- Another GM bites the dust after a dustup with the mayor
- Now, that is something to smile about, Gary!
- Jeeze Craig, you’d have to be joking
- Liverpool even makes the BPB look reasonable
- Get a job at Liverpool and get Farooqed
- GM and Mayor tell everyone to get Farooqed
- Hard to choose, clowns or dunces, but it was all the Board’s fault
- Ballina goes feral – it’s time to bring back the pineapple cake
- Do you want your ex to get your super when you die?
- “The most beautiful sight in the world is a little child going confidently down the road of life after you have shown him the way” – Confucius
- Pace of reform agenda picks up
- Nambucca remarries first wife - after humiliating and expensive divorce
- Will the real Brad Hazzard please stand up
- Yes, in your backyard
- Looks like an early favourite for our Worst HR Award
- North Sydney presented with depa Cup
- Special issue: Time is running out to do something about the White Paper
- We have to make some observations about the Federal election
- How not to get sacked
- Federal Court finds there is an implied term of “confidence and trust” in the employment relationship
- John and Stephen are innocent!
- 80 jobs lost at Newcastle as GM takes an axe to the organisation
- Sack this Council - there is nothing fair about Fairfield Part 2
- “Robbo departs super … not with a whimper, but a bang”
- Is that the time? 2014 Award discussions to start next month
- Don’t try this at work
- 2014 State Award negotiations off and running
- Don’t tell us, we don’t want to know
- Planning review stalled in the Upper House for three months - what could possibly go wrong now?
- 2013 depa HR Awards
- Local Government Super remains AAA rated and Australia’s number one fund
- While we are all enjoying summer…
- What’s happened to local government reform?
- Has the Government got what it takes to save local government?
- Uh oh, they’re back …
- You don’t have to be a member, but what would you do if …
- Doing other work? What does your Council do about section 353?
- Union Picnic Day golf day cancelled this year
- We have a new Office Manager starting on Monday 3 March
- Election results declared
- Excited about April Fools’ Day?
- O’Farrell/Christian Democrats deal to reduce smut and innuendo behind removal of BPB’s Neil Cocks and Margaret Hole
- O’Farrell/Shooters and Fishers deal to cull more ferals
- Bigot Brandis moves to protect the right to be a bigot
- Ex HSU officials call for investigation into depa’s finances
- Farooq gets Farooqed
- Barry Farooqs himself
- Goodbye Don, hello Paul
- The three last reasons why you would remain a member of AIBS have gone
- Fearless leaders copy everyone - Local Government Managers becomes Local Government Professionals! (But nothing changes)
- We have an offer for the 2014 State Award
- Everyone loves the 2014 State Award - including the President of the IRC
- LGMA poseurs fail to derail Award
- It’s not just the State Award that is committed to making councils provide family friendly and flexible work
- What’s your Council doing about the Award’s health and well-being provision?
- An early favourite for our 2014 HR Award
- Shock, horror, more bad news on the quality of private certifiers
- Wagga Wagga stumbles with dangerous precedents
- What's the score at Shoalhaven?
- What Penrith did next
- “Less people with pencils and more people digging up roads”
- Local Government Poseurs Association still frightened of the new State Award
- Apology to Andrew Crakanthorp
- How’s Penrith going?
- Uh oh, Local Government Super is about to do something really bad
- Oh no, Local Government Super goes pro-nuclear
- Sam Byrne is appointed as our new director on the LGS Board
- Goodbye Gough and thanks
- NSW Premier seizes all the pencils
- We don't care about Peter Hurst
- Confusing messages from LGS
- Shoalhaven dispute resolved but the Council suffers lasting damage
- depa offers a prize in 2015
- Anyone for golf?
- 2014 HR Awards to be announced next month
- How hard is HR?
- depa’s awards for the Worst HR in Local Government
- 2014 depa award for the worst HR in local government
- And that, with great relief, is the end of the year...
- How hard is HR? Part 2
- Don’t forget our commitment to helping councils provide family friendly work
- Anyone for golf 2?
- Fit for the Future, or some other F word?
- Special: Welcome to 2015 issue, three disputes already this year but we won't mention *********
- Tamworth and GM Paul Bennett humiliated in IRC
- From one GM with poor HR to another...
- And now back to the 19th century when mothers knew their place
- Who wouldn’t like to hit a ball into this beautiful lake?
- NSW election on Saturday 28 March
- Election Special
- “New South Wales is open for business” Baird Liberal/Coalition Government commits to dramatic initiatives
- Government bans the words “bad for the budget”
- The Government clarifies the sale of Poles and Wires
- South Africa stripped of World Cup placing
- John Howard sees silver lining after Malcolm Fraser’s death
- Fit for the Future
- Got the boss's job at last and don’t need us anymore?
- Tamworth brings in the big guns
- Old blokes collapse and let Mum keep working part-time
- Review of the BPB
- We are updating our rules
- Reviewing our rules is much more exciting than watching paint dry
- A message to the Minister and the Office of Local Government
- We drag the dawdlers at Sydney City into the modern world (and watch them waste a good employee)
- depa’s submission to the Legislative Council Local Government Enquiry
- We hate it when members disappear – and it wastes our time too
- Has Local Government Super dumped uranium and nuclear yet?
- Uh oh, look out!
- Why is the Office of Local Government protecting Jilly Gibson? Or is the Minister thinking a few moves ahead?
- Next month …
- Tamworth GM drops off on removing the nine day fortnight from existing staff
- And what about one or two good news stories?
- Any action from people we rely upon to properly regulate the industry?
- In such a hostile world, who wouldn’t want a guardian angel?
- Mid-Western GM sacks two directors - and one of them was ours
- Better than Nostradamus
- Mixed reception to IPART Report
- Anyone there?
- NSW Government to shut down Industrial Relations Commission
- We file section 106 for the unfair sacking at Mid-Western
- Something to put a smile on your faces - we may have found local government’s dumbest
- Time is ticking away
- But some good news too - use this template if your Council wants to give you five years protection against forced redundancy
- Here comes the knockout punch
- Councillors behaving badly - bans on at Parramatta
- Chinese hackers embarrass LGNSW and LGMA
- IRC survives to be dismantled another day
- HR awards issue out on Tuesday
- Who has the worst HR in local government in 2015?
- Fit for the Future
- We settle our section 106 with Mid-Western
- Anyone for golf?
- Shoalhaven wins Worst HR in Local Government Award 2015
- Ex Planning Minister attacks extensions to exempt and complying development
- LGNSW and the three unions meet about IPART recommendation 30 and protecting senior staff
- Some great news for Catherine
- “Come on Barry, give me a cuddle”
- Council amalgamations provide “a good night out” for old folks
- 2016 elections for the Committee of Management
- 2016 depa elections delivers four new brooms
- PIA NSW did what?
- NSW Government announces broad expansion of exempt and complying development
- Now we can all be miners, NSW Government announces
- Happy birthday, Mike
- You’d have to be a mug not to join
- Early elections, bring back local democracy!
- Senior staff jobs go in amalgamations and the hero is Viv the Vivisector
- Employment Matters Working Party clarifies the protections under the Act
- Not so fast, the dilettantes and dabblers are still at it
- Food Regulation Forum
- “What have the Romans ever done for us?”
- Mid-Western Council receives ICAC report
- Government to dismantle Industrial Relations Commission of NSW
- Sick of politicians? We are …
- Get ready, we’re about to start negotiating the 2017 State Award
- Government picks up the pace on dismantling IRC
- What are “workplace representatives” for on Consultative Committees?
- We stop Government’s secret processes in merged councils
- Government dismantles Industrial Relations Commission
- Who would have thought! Private certifiers need better regulation …
- A facade, is always just a facade...
- Sydney mishandles asbestos contamination in Town Hall House
- Ignore Henny Penny, there has been progress in State Award negotiations
- BPB gets their fingers out on what should happen with PINs
- depa’s prestigious HR Awards will be announced next month
- The Ascension marks the death of the historic IRC
- We give OLG’s Employment Reference Group another chance
- Are things going any better at Sydney City with their asbestos contamination?
- Who has the worst HR in local government this year?
- Who has the worst HR in local government in 2016?
- And that’s pretty much the end of the year for us...
- The sharks are circling
- Uh oh ...
- What would Mike Baird have done?
- Next month ...
- It’s hard not to feel sorry for Gladys
- LGNSW backflips on decades of cooperation
- OLG forced to state the bleeding obvious on employment protection
- Ex-Mayor of Hurstville exits with his tail between his legs
- Cripes, where was the compassion?
- LGS restores uranium nuclear screening
- A Tale of Two Cities
- The Hills Shire embraces commitment to health and wellbeing in 2017 Enterprise Agreement
- Nine days to go …
- We don’t like being gagged and we pull the pin on the EMRG
- Courts nail clumsy and secretive handling of Council mergers
- We accept LGNSW offer for a new State Award
- Uh oh, …
- Do yourself a favour
- Enough is enough – it’s time to cut councillors out of development assessment
- I’ve got a Deed of Release - lessons to be learned from Amber Harrison
- Get your own ideas!
- “Like a dog returning to its vomit…”
- Look out, the ******** and ********* might be back...
- Are you okay?
- depa's responsibility to look after our members’ social interests without discrimination
- Like getting blood from a stone...
- And members respond brilliantly
- What is this thing called, love*?
- Andrew Spooner resigns as President
- BPB nails idiots at Griffith City Council
- LGS agrees it’s their responsibility, and they will fix it
- We still don’t know what this thing is
- Had a look at the Draft Code of Conduct yet?
- And look out for this...
- Is that the time?
- LGNSW CEO Donna Rygate proudly launches their game changer
- Code of Conduct
- depa elections next year
- depaNews HR awards will be out Wednesday or Thursday...
- Tweed Shire is the most hazardous workplace for depa members in NSW
- Well, that’s it for us
- Welcome back
- Okay, we don’t mind a challenge, but …
- Going down like dominoes at Tweed
- Some people think they can get away with anything...
- Government decides to move the IRC out of the Sydney CBD
- How to not lose your leaseback car
- 2018 depa elections – lucky Lord Buckethead isn’t a member
- Electoral Commission declares 2018 depa elections
- Former Canterbury demonstrates to ICAC why councillors should be removed from development assessment
- We may find ourselves in an unusual position
- Government sends IRC to Parramatta
- Look out the BPB is coming after you
- We make a submission to ICAC Operation Dasha
- You’ve moved house or Council? Don’t let it be a secret
- Farewell Ernie, thanks for everything
- Next time you have a disagreement about professional opinion …
- The BPB is not just using “intelligence”, it has “intelligence cells”
- Nick Kaldas to audit corruption risks in New South Wales planning
- “I need to see you at the gym”
- Councillors on interview panels
- No wonder this lot didn’t want a Banking Royal Commission
- Don’t think banks should be involved in Super?
- But what do the regulators do?
- Oh no, now the NSW Government has asked whether we think "there is a greater risk for conflicts of interest to arise in private certification work and result in poor certification …"
- NSW unions challenge NSW Government in the High Court
- Slowly getting somewhere on “superable salary” dispute
- Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays depa from the swift completion of depaNews …
- High Court to hear union challenge to electoral funding laws next week
- Speaking of issues of principle, the Government appreciates us, but doesn’t want to meet with us
- How has HR gone this year?
- How's HR been this year?
- Richmond Valley is the winner
- What about the High Court challenge?
- And that’s it for 2018, but here’s some good advice
- "Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer; You'll wish that summer could always be here"
- Kaldas review released in December
- Opal Tower fiasco raises opportunity to review everything
- We still hate term contracts for senior staff
- NSW Government doesn’t understand why they lost the High Court case
- We file our first dispute of the year with Snowy Valleys Council
- Shellharbour shows why you need to be a member of a union
- And we’re in dispute with another Council too
- Super dispute in the Commission as well
- NSW election means we’ll be bashing our heads against the wall with the Coalition Government
- Prime Minister announces IR reform - oh no, here we go again
- A new Minister for Local Government - let’s see what we can do about those unfair standard contracts
- Look out if your Council wants to review your nine day fortnight
- A hapless of Building Ministers announcing bugger all in Sydney
- Evidence to the Legislative Council Public Accountability Committee into the regulation of building standards, building quality and building disputes.
- More good directors sacked - a real bloodbath at Snowy Valleys
- We start negotiating a new Local Government State Award this month
- Senior Staff are being invited to respond to some questions about their job security
- Narrabri GM wants more bloodshed
- That’s not a monumental step, this is a monumental step
- Uh oh, time to change feet
- Finally, on the crisis in construction...
- Oh no, more “independent” LGS directors
- Premier to announce “the simplest and most effective planning system in Australia”
- A word about wage theft
- Local Government Super appoints a new Chief Executive Officer
- Local Government Super appoints a new Chief Executive Officer (2)
- Supreme Court reserves its decision on Narrabri’s jurisdictional argument
- Public Accountability Committee’s first report makes 17 recommendations
- Next month
- Bumper holiday reading - 2019 depa awards for the Worst HR in Local Government
- And that’s it for us this year
- Just as well we can play a long game
- How are the award negotiations going?
- “It will take two years to fix …”
- Wake up, we’ve found a flaw in Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018 No 63
- Sydney City can’t help being nominated for our HR awards
- Finally, something about us - it’s election time
- Local Government Poseurs want to stand you down –
- COVID-19 update
- Something to balance all the bad news, we have a new Committee of Management
- Local Government (COVID-19) Splinter Award 2020 to be made on Tuesday 14 April
- Let the money flow!
- LG Professionals (sic) to the rescue!
- “Shoebridge Committee” hands down final report
- And some good news for old council certifiers
- The lucky group enjoying fewer constraints under COVID: developers
- Local Government State Award 2020 - are we there yet?
- NSW Industrial Relations Commission makes the 2020 Local Government State Award
- If the NSW Ombudsman comes to your Council to ask you questions, look out...
- It’s the COVIDiots’ fault
- Things weren't quite going that well at Bayside
- depa v Narrabri Shire Council in historic Supreme Court victory
- Just as well we can play a long game
- Next month
- Councillors behaving badly
- Transparency vs Confidentiality - a tale of two cities
- What’s Lyall been doing?
- Resourcing the NSW Building Commissioner
- Who has the worst HR in local government?
- 2020 depa awards for the Worst HR in Local Government
- Thank you Margaret, and welcome Lyn
- That’s it for us
- Welcome to 2021! Going to work? Going to the office?
- Office of Local Government hacked by Russians
- Building Commissioner issues stop-work orders
- We make Parramatta rethink charging employees with leaseback cars for parking them in council car parks. Again.
- LGNSW disappoints on standard contracts
- Covid 19 Splinter Award made for 2021 - and you can get vaccinated in worktime
- Where’s Tim?
- We’re in good company in our office in Five Dock
- Where’s Tim?
- NCAT hears Ian Robertson v OLG
- Kiersten Fishburn appointed new Chief Executive of OLG
- A lesson for all councils from Bega Valley - you can’t make employees forfeit their rights to progression under the Award
- A lesson for all councils from Port Macquarie Hastings - you can’t make employees forfeit their rights to historic employment conditions under council policies
- Another variation of the Splinter Award for some dawdlers
- A mixed bag
- OLG Model Social Media Policy - consultation draft
- NSW Building Commissioner putting the frighteners on developers, and their certifiers
- How are the prestigious depa HR awards looking for 2021?
- Next issue
- Three quick questions for the undecided
- Let’s talk about work and let’s talk about local government
- depa supports mandatory vaccination
- Building Commissioner targets the most dodgy private certifiers
- Councils moving towards mandatory vaccination
- Meanwhile, 600 years later...
- New South Wales elects new Pope
- December is the last month of the year, and that can only mean one thing
- No increase in membership fees in 2022
- Bruce Dunlop is a new member of our Committee of Management
- Office of Local Government announces review of how to deal with councillor misconduct
- Yes, permanent employment for senior staff is great news, but when?
- Most Councils moving towards mandatory vaccination
- “The glorification of greed has left Sydney with a vast backlog of misery”
- Time is running out for dodgy developers - and dodgy builders, certifiers, and engineers too
- That’s it for us
- 2021 depa awards for the Worst HR in Local Government
- Enough about everyone else, what about us? We’re having an election.
- depa v Narrabri settled
- Barbarians rise to keep unfair sackings
- 2021 Golden Turd winner resigns
- depa has a new Committee of Management, and we welcome Bryce
- New COVID Splinter Award to be made to operate from 8 April
- Ponderously slow, unexaminable, discouraging and disadvantaging of complainants, the OLG process must change
- This has to be the final nail in the coffin for the standard contract
- If the senior staff contract is a corruption risk, unimaginative and a shortcut instead of proper performance management, who’d be mad enough to put more people on it?
- NCAT smashes depa and the OLG can keep their secrets
- The last pay increase in the 2020 Award is from the first pay period after 1 July
- What a refreshing change. A crook confesses at ICAC
- Speaking of corruptibility, how are OLG and the Minister moving to implement the industry’s consensus on ”no reason” sackings?
- Fair Work Commission increases the minimum wage by 5.2%
- depa appeals NCAT decision supporting unnecessary and unacceptable OLG confidentiality
- Speaking of corruptibility, how are OLG and the Minister moving to implement the industry's consensus on “no reason” sackings? Part 2
- Greg wins, Lake Macquarie loses, but don’t tell Liz
- Central Coast goes hard to establish best practice in health and wellbeing leave
- Humpty Dumpty inspires management at Mid Coast
- Not too late if you’ve got any good ideas about the next award
- depa’s appeal over OLG denying access to information heard in NCAT on 19 August
- Interested in the past? What were the issues depa dealt with between December 1984 and September 1997?
- Uh oh, the Building Commissioner is concluding the investigation into certifiers at nine councils …
- The NSW Building Commissioner is interested in the big picture with local government certifiers
- 2023 Award discussions have begun
- LG Professionals invite members for a little bit of consensual S&M
- Minister for LG releases the much-awaited “Discussion paper - Senior staff employment”
- NSW unions challenge NSW Government in the High Court – again
- We file a dispute with Waverley for failing to have a Consultative Committee operating for 30 months
- Randwick GM’s bold move to protect senior staff
- How has HR been this year?
- ‘Tis but a scratch - mixed fortunes at the High Court, and later …
- What’s happening?
- 2022 depa awards for the Worst HR in Local Government
- Councillor Misconduct Review released
- That’s it for us
- SafeWork nails councillors behaving badly at Parramatta - and makes OLG irrelevant
- Councillor Misconduct Framework Review
- Thank you Margaret, and welcome Raelene
- OLG opposes our application to join and support them in NCAT
- How are the Award negotiations going?
- Not sure who to vote for the Legislative Council on Saturday?
- Let the good times roll, 2023 State Award made today.
- Do you have to be a union member to get the increases and benefits?
- A new NSW Government, and some new Ministers to make our lives and work better - yes, hope does spring eternal
- Quo Vadis OLG?
- Department of Planning creates its own Sagittarius A
- NCAT disqualifies former Wagga Wagga councillor from holding civic office
- Let the good times roll, 2023 State Award made today
- What’s the fuss? It’s only a bloody consultative committee
- ICAC Operation Galley nails three notorious crooks
- LGNSW stand-off with the Unions on senior staff transitional arrangements
- OLG continues the paragraph 20 cover-up
- Mid Coast salary system dispute arbitrated
- We stop Shoalhaven inserting mobile phone numbers into employees’ email signature blocks
- We apologise for the irregularity of depaNews this year
- Next month
- The NSW Coalition government wrecked it in 2016, the Labor government restored it on 30 November!
- Part 1 - OLG confesses - “OLG would have been aware of multiple cases of alleged (and now proven) misconduct when Deputy Secretary Hurst made a determination on 5 February 2021”
- Part 2 - 2023 depa awards for the Worst HR in Local Government
- What have you blokes been doing?
- MidCoast running sore settled
- He said what?
- What have you blokes been doing?
- “I am a passionate person and if on occasion I don’t get it quite right, I am always willing to acknowledge it”. Always?
- 101 Damnations at Campbelltown
- NSW Electoral Commission declares depa’s 2024 elections, and we have one new Committee Member
- Trainees in chains
- We still provide free insurance for “journey claims”, and we’ve just improved it
- Sophie to the rescue!
- Sophie to the rescue!
- What happens next?
- Je ne regrette rien
- And we’ve discovered local government’s longest and best kept secret
- It’s hard to keep the Federal Court a secret
- This news is too good, and it’s true
- This news is confusing, and there may be legal issues, but HR tells us to relax
- This news is so bad, that at Liverpool it has to be true
- And this MidCoast news, is just hilarious
- Losing your job is one of the great stressors of life
- No fee rise in 2025
- Liverpool reveals who decided floor plans in the new Administrative Building
- Here we go again, how can HR not understand section 353?
- 2024 depa award for The Worst HR in Local Government
- Part 1 - The merger with Vision Super
- Part 3 - How good we used to be
- Part 4 - What’s next...?
- Robbo's pearls...
- depaNews archive 2001-present
- Our tabloid past: 1984 to 1997
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