O’Farrell/Christian Democrats deal to reduce smut and innuendo behind removal of BPB’s Neil Cocks and Margaret Hole

The disappearance of BPB CEO Neil Cocks into the Department of Planning and the removal of BPB Board member Margaret Hole was acknowledged today as part of a Government campaign to remove smut, cheap jokes and innuendo from the NSW Public Sector.

NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell admitted that the Government needed crossbench support from the Upper House and, like agreements with the Shooters and Fishers to allow culling of feral animals in National Parks, an agreement with Fred Nile’s Christian Democrats will have widespread ramifications across the public sector.

“Neil had to go”, the Premier said. “He could so easily have simply used an “x” but the flagrant flaunting of the unfortunate plural was too much.”

CEO Neil Cocks had always been a problem for depaNews with a number of councils refusing to accept any publication where his name appeared prominently but Ms Hole was a risk as well. Nevertheless the names both individually and, particularly, in juxtaposition, was sufficient to distress our moral guardians in the Legislative Council and the Government.

In responding to questions Premier O’Farrell indicated that the process is really just beginning and questionable names would no longer have a place in Her Majesty’s New South Wales Government.

Prominent class-action litigants Slater and Gordon announced they will mount a class action for damages against the Government and inviting responses from others affected and targeting names such as Dick, Dolores, Fanny and John Thomas.

“This is just the start”, the Premier said. We will be clearing up innuendo in names as well as gestures is public.”

Premier O’Farrell and Mr Nile MLC demonstrate gestures no longer allowable in the public sector

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