Not sure who to vote for the Legislative Council on Saturday?

This is Elizabeth Farrelly. Over the years she has written opinion pieces in the Sydney Morning Herald bagging the introduction of private certification, shonky developments, destruction of heritage by tollways and infrastructure, design concepts, over-development and sensitive development, poor building standards, the importance of caring for the environment, climate change, and even on one occasion four years ago, a report on UnionsNSW’s success over the NSW Government on electoral regulation - something we were involved in as well.

This Saturday she is standing as an Independent in the Legislative Council.

There is significant common ground between her attitudes and the sorts of things that are important to us and our members, and would be good for us and our issues in that Chamber.

She spoke at our Annual Conference in 2019 when she was in the process of writing Killing Sydney: The Fight for a City’s Soul and was beyond fascinating. A fabulous, colourful communicator and someone who would be an asset in the Legislative Council on issues we are interested in. She could singlehandedly write a new Planning Act that focussed on people and communities and not developers!

We don’t normally recommend a political party or candidate. We have published articles with images of Dumb and Dumber, and Tweedledum and Tweedledee, but on this occasion, if you’re struggling to work out where you should put the numbers on Saturday, you could do a lot worse than casting a vote in her direction.

It’s group H, and if you’ve already got major parties you’d prefer to vote for, you can vote below the line and then pass your preference on!

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