NSW Electoral Commission declares depa’s 2024 elections, and we have one new Committee Member

Welcome Lorena!

The NSW Electoral Commission has declared candidates for the positions of President, Vice President and four Committee Members elected. We had the right number of candidates for those positions and didn’t require an election.

We have one new Committee Member, Lorena Blacklock, pictured above. Lorena is Coordinator Land-Use Planning and Spatial Services, and our delegate at Queanbeyan-Palerang, and was previously our delegate at Hilltops. She has been a very effective delegate at both those councils and will be a refreshing and exciting new Member. Here is her policy statement:

I am woman hear me roar!

Now I have your attention, I'll leave the roaring to Helen Reddy and use my inside voice to tell you about me.

I have 30 years of wisdom gained as a town planner in roles from Trainee to Manager and currently Coordinator Land-Use Planning and Spatial Services.  My work has taken me from Goulburn, Gosford, Queanbeyan, Hilltops to Queanbeyan-Palerang Councils, with short sojourns into state and federal government, just to confirm why local government is for me.

Here, I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to be a depa delegate at Queanbeyan-Palerang, identifying issues and solutions, while also giving me the chance to get my "legislation/legal nerd" hat on, to go through our Award conditions.

A big part of my role as a town planner when looking at development and land-use change, is giving a voice to the environment, the future generations and the voiceless. I bring that skill and purpose in nominating for the Committee of Management. I would love the opportunity to give back to depa and contribute to the Committee by speaking up for those who need support and adding volume and weight for those quiet voices.

I'm here, listening.

President, Steven Cook, Vice President Vince Galletto and Committee members, Bruce Dunlop (Camden), Jamie Loader (Central Coast) and Bryce Weedon (Hilltops) are all re-elected for another two-year term.

Policy statements for all candidates will be on our website from 1 May when the new Committee takes office.

The Secretary has a four-year term from the 2022 election.